Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Upside of Down

After being home, I find being a vegetarian much easier. We (roomie and I) have discovered a new line of food options, black bean burgers and vegetarian sausage. While it is not a replacement in my book, I definitely have more food options, for when I return to the meat-eating world. While life at home is easier, life at work is not. Ordering from my favorite restaurant Mr. Wonton's seemed easy enough since only 1 option on the menu did not contain meat- an option called Vegetarian Delight. What does that even mean? While I still do not know, I can assure you it is not quite a "delight" as I expected. I felt as though I was eating simply to survive, not eating to enjoy. The next day I had to settle for Cheetos and a Snickers which isn't much better. Being a healthy vegetarian requires planning and thinking ahead....two traits I am not especially known for.

As Lady L mentioned, I am going to read a couple books to better my understanding for why people choose this lifestyle. I have yet to get my new books, but hopefully that will add some passion and reason behind why I am now a vegetarian. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am not especially fond of animals- I will pet them and say awh, but I cringe when they jump on me or lick me or rub against my leg leaving masses of hair. Hearing the horrible methods used to raise animals for producing food does make me sad and for a brief second does make me reconsider supporting this inhumane act. What a nice world it would be if animals were treated in a humane way? How nice would it be if you could bite into a Chick-fil-a sandwich and know that the chickens were treated respectably and not shoved into a tiny cage and force fed?

Yet, somehow once a nice juicy steak is put in front of me, all those thoughts are out the window. I do not think of the cow when I am eating the steak. Right now my brain is compartmentalized, and I am hoping soon these two ideas mesh- so that I become aware of what I am eating while I am eating it. While reading these books and doing the research maybe a risky endeavor (because heaven forbid- what if it sticks?), I owe it to myself and the blog to actually try and understand why this is a lifestyle of many.


1 comment:

  1. OH NO!!! Chickens are shoved in cages and force fed??!!
