Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years Resolutions

I'm not going to lie, I have a few butterflies in my stomach as I step out on this journey for a year and as I write my first blog post ever. The idea started from wanting a blog, but not just a blog about my semi-normal typical life- I wanted a blog that involved a task/challenge and one that a few people may want to read and follow. Thankfully JMo and Lady L have decided to jump on ship as well so here we are doing it together (increasing our chances to have a funny enthralling blog). The journey ahead is a year of trying new things, one month at a time. We will each take on a new persona every month and tell you all about it.

For the month of January we have decided to become vegetarians. My roomate (JMo) and I during our New Years Eve party- instead of worrying about watching the ball drop or counting down to 2010, we were consumed with having our last bit of meat- a wonderful beef stick at 11:50 last night. Pretty eventful needless to say. Starting this month off I have been talking how easy it would be to give up meat for a month- I mean what's a month? To immediately debase my ideas of how easy this would be on Day 1- JMo and I were trying to figure out where to go for lunch- I realized how difficult this may become. Chick-fil-a- Nope, Sushi- Nope. So we settled for Thai with tofu- not quite as appetizing as chicken curry, but was still good. I hope this journey will provide many funny and interesting stories so stay tuned.

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