Friday, January 29, 2010

Bottom of the Ninth

So somehow the final week of the month, actually the final days are approaching fast. I don't know if I am quite ready for a full-blown reflection, but I do owe you a little (all 9 of you who read this). Especially since the next month starts Monday- with a brand new challenge and lifestyle. All things considered I have gotten used to being a vegetarian. While I still have rough days (ie when lunch was provided at work and it happen to be barbecue). I'm pretty sure I was visibly drooling watching my mom eat her giant piece of chicken. I also think I may have cheated just a tad- I ate some baked beans. Why is that bad you may ask? Well they were cooked with bacon- and I knew this, but my cravings for baked beans overwhelmed me.

Regardless, over the month I have found some secret satisfaction in being a meat-snob. (That's what she said) Discussing why I think local meat is better (the joke continues) has become a strange pastime. I feel much more educated and cultured when talking about where meat comes from, and I enjoy discussing such things. My soap box may have just gotten a bit wider. So since Sunday (the last day of the month) is here, I might as well make this my signing off blog for vegetarianism.

I should be struck with lightning for saying this but my habits from the past month may stick to some degree (I hope you still love me Caitlin). I used to eat meat with every meal and never ever felt bad about it in the slightest. Now seeing meat always makes me think twice, and I do not know that that feeling would ever go away. I really want to try to only eat local meat where the animals lived wonderful, healthy, and natural lives. But, since this meat is clearly going to be more expensive, I will just have to consume less, and by consuming less I will enjoy the meat I do have that much more. The sad part of all this is eating meat out at restaurants and fast food, because I do not see locally grown grass-fed cow burger on the menu at Wendys (not yet at least). So looks like I am becoming a vegetarian while out, and a meat-eater at home. If the purpose of this month was to become aware- well then it has succeeded. I will never laugh at a vegetarian again.

What am I going to do if every month "sticks"? (Stay tuned for the next challenge)

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