Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year, New Me(at)

After making it an entire 4 days with no meat, I don't think this month is going to be so tough!

Okay, I take that back. Let me start again:

After making it an entire 4 days with no meat, it has been more of a struggle than I anticipated. But something's not worth doing unless it's hard (that's what she said?...). Or so I'll pretend. As a former Meat Enthusiast (not in the adult sense) and Barbecue Ambassador, making this decision was fairly difficult, and yet I was quick to jump on the bandwagon. When some of our other college friends became vegetarians last year, I laughed in their faces and threw meatballs at them as I hypocritically said to myself "I love meat too much ever to do something like that!" while chowing down on a turkey leg. Now, following in their food-conscious footsteps, I have to constantly remind myself that meat is no longer an option, least of all the center of a good, Southern meal as God intended. Vegetables are pawns of the devil--unless they are covered in butter and bacon bits of course.

Anyway, I think this month will be a forced opportunity to evaluate the food I eat, the groceries I buy, how I plan my meals and think about food. I already feel like I'm eating healthier too. But for example at work (at the ever-exciting Andy Griffith Museum) if I forget to pack a lunch I can't just run out for fast food anymore, so I have to make a conscious effort to plan ahead. Which saves time, and money, and calories, and makes for an overall better J-Meezy. Holler!

But for the month of January, I do have one regret: that I couldn't enjoy the Swedish meatballs (that's what she said?) on my first trip to Ikea this past weekend. But what I lacked in meatballs, I made up for in stylish home decor.

A new year, a new me(at)!

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