Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Month of Hunger?

I believe I just experienced one of the most difficult things about being a vegetarian- traveling. Not the flying and arriving kind of traveling, but the riding in a car for 6 hours and making countless stops at fast food and gas stations kind of traveling. And you are looking at a girl that loves nothing more than a big fast food hamburger and a bag of beef jerky from the gas station- a trip would not be complete without it. This is the girl that was dared to eat a quad stack burger with liquid cheese and bacon that contained so much grease the buns became translucent- and did it just for the sheer glory. Since fast food does not offer quad stacked veggie burgers- I settled for countless baked potatoes and mandarin oranges from Wendy's along with tons of sweets from the gas station.

I have been at a conference in Atlanta for the past 4 days, and they were nice enough to provide lunch everyday- a turkey sandwich. I returned back to an elementary school mindset and started trading my lunch around- a turkey sandwich for a candy bar?, what a wonderful trade for a 8 year old. I have been struck with the realization that I am going to be more unhealthy (if possible) after this month is over. Everyone on the trip also loved lightening the mood by catching me in mid-bite and then announcing 'hey you know there's meat in salsa right?' 'hey you know there's meat in that candy bar' 'hey you know there's meat in water' While being the butt of jokes hasn't changed any from pre to post vegetarian- it is no longer about eating large quantities.

Thank goodness I have no more trips (the driving kind) planned in January because I just do not know if I can handle another baked potato with oranges- or another 4 days with my tummy continually growling. I am one of those that loves to eat and loves to eat a lot. But I am proud of the fact I survived the conference without listening to the lovely pieces of meat shouting out 'eat me'.

(I also apologize I left out any 'thats what she said jokes'- I am just not good with the delivery yet but will be working diligently on that, so until then I will leave them to JMo.)

1 comment:

  1. You go Jess..............I know you can do it.
    Sorry, I invited you for a steak wrap.......I forgot.
    It's all good; at least, we had a good laugh when I slid out of the car this morning.............or maybe you were mad at me for the steak wraps! You did laugh awfully hard!!
