Saturday, February 27, 2010

Epic Fail

So I bet you all have missed me terribly and you are probably wondering what sort of things I have accomplished since I have last written. On my list of left-to-do, I had 6 pillows to make and a cross stitch to finish. Well if you noticed the title I bet you could guess that I have done nothing since the last blog. (Not going to call anyone out- but I do not think I am alone in this epic fail). By nothing I mean I haven't touched anything- I don't even know where my pillow fabric is anymore. (Joshua- I will try to finish this cross stitch before you outgrow your crib). You maybe wondering why I am such a slacker, and for that I am glad because I am going to tell you.

I guess I will go ahead and get this one out of the way- I have been busy (story of every one's life right). But I thoroughly enjoyed my weekend with all my girls from Wake. And I secretly love staying busy (maybe its not so much of a secret). I just managed to make my schedule busy with things far from crafting.

The main reason I failed is my inability to do anything I don't love. This has roots deep into my childhood. The sheer list of everything I have tried would blow your mind. I have tried every sport- from gymnastics to basketball (where I scored my first basket in my second season championship game...I got a standing ovation- embarrassing). I have tried singing in public- to which my mom told me I should never do that again. I have tried to learn the fiddle- I got bored. I tried to learn all the presidents for 20 bucks from my papa, and I gave up. I have even tried making bread- my supportive dad actually bought me a bread machine (who knows why), and I think I made 1 loaf in my lifetime. I even tried Biology in college and barely passed because I didn't study or do homework.

While the reverse of this is also true- the things I love I do well and put everything into. I will not bore you with the giant list of all that I do well, just know it is much longer than the previous (with modesty being on there of course). But it is also bad news that I cannot stick to a month of something if I don't like it. Lets hope I like the next 10 months. I guess this blog will have more impacts in my life than I thought it would- hopefully it will make me better at sticking to things. Even though it did fail in February. I will not let this slack happen again (lets hope that wasn't a white lie). So you can start looking forward to many more posts and exciting events to happen in March.

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