Saturday, February 27, 2010

Epic Fail

So I bet you all have missed me terribly and you are probably wondering what sort of things I have accomplished since I have last written. On my list of left-to-do, I had 6 pillows to make and a cross stitch to finish. Well if you noticed the title I bet you could guess that I have done nothing since the last blog. (Not going to call anyone out- but I do not think I am alone in this epic fail). By nothing I mean I haven't touched anything- I don't even know where my pillow fabric is anymore. (Joshua- I will try to finish this cross stitch before you outgrow your crib). You maybe wondering why I am such a slacker, and for that I am glad because I am going to tell you.

I guess I will go ahead and get this one out of the way- I have been busy (story of every one's life right). But I thoroughly enjoyed my weekend with all my girls from Wake. And I secretly love staying busy (maybe its not so much of a secret). I just managed to make my schedule busy with things far from crafting.

The main reason I failed is my inability to do anything I don't love. This has roots deep into my childhood. The sheer list of everything I have tried would blow your mind. I have tried every sport- from gymnastics to basketball (where I scored my first basket in my second season championship game...I got a standing ovation- embarrassing). I have tried singing in public- to which my mom told me I should never do that again. I have tried to learn the fiddle- I got bored. I tried to learn all the presidents for 20 bucks from my papa, and I gave up. I have even tried making bread- my supportive dad actually bought me a bread machine (who knows why), and I think I made 1 loaf in my lifetime. I even tried Biology in college and barely passed because I didn't study or do homework.

While the reverse of this is also true- the things I love I do well and put everything into. I will not bore you with the giant list of all that I do well, just know it is much longer than the previous (with modesty being on there of course). But it is also bad news that I cannot stick to a month of something if I don't like it. Lets hope I like the next 10 months. I guess this blog will have more impacts in my life than I thought it would- hopefully it will make me better at sticking to things. Even though it did fail in February. I will not let this slack happen again (lets hope that wasn't a white lie). So you can start looking forward to many more posts and exciting events to happen in March.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Are we there yet?

I apologize if my blogs are getting less and less creative. I have drained all my creativity on cards- gag. Alright so I have quickly remembered why I never stuck with any craft ever...I get so bored. I had intentions to make around 15 Valentines Day cards. So it is a couple days after the big day and I am still mailing a few cards, and I also only made 9. I apologize if you were expecting one- it does not mean I did not think of you-- rather it means I saved you from an off-centered card. I feel that crafting to me is not relaxing or fun, rather it is stressful and seems like work. I love being creative and think I have a good imagination but when the rubber hits the road- I fall short every time. I have a partially done cross stitch and a TON of leftover Valentines Day paper to show for my efforts- depressing if you ask me.

So above you see a selection of cards (you also have to turn your head 90 degrees to the right, or your computer 90 degrees to the left to see the cards right side up). I also apologize about this-- blogger was not being cooperative, or maybe it was the other way around.
I am moving to something different this week- sewing pillows. (I know this week has already started-- yet I first have to learn how to actually sew) Whoa I know- I mean if I cannot manage cards out of paper, how can I cover pillows? At least if all else fails, I know JMo can and will make the pillows, in 20 minutes flat. So I will have a picture of a pillow and you will have to guess who made it. Should be relatively easy to tell the difference.

This month so far has been more of a pain than it has been fun, interesting, or enlightening. I am not crafty, so making myself do this was similar to making myself write papers in college. Something I did begrudgingly 3 hours before due. Since there are not really due dates for crafting, just self-imposed expectations, this will likely not be my shining month. I mean we all know that discipline is not a strong point of mine.

Flat Packed Furniture

So, admittedly, I have been slacking on my precious paint by number. I have made progress, but even after hours of work, it does not look like progress on the canvas! I am determined to finish it, but I doubt that will happen by the end of the month. Here is proof that this paint by number is not for a three year old...

I have been back to my knitting though. It is much easier to keep up with it, because I can take it to work and make progress when the kids sleep (if that happens on my shift..). My roommate taught me how to combine the next ball of yarn, and it's coming together well. Hopefully I will finish with some extra yarn to make another project. :)

Does putting together furniture count as being an artisan?? Because if so, I definitely caught up on hours yesterday! Good lord. I went to the amazing Ikea with my roommate, because he needed furniture. He lives in this awesome loft in our house, with tons of space, but he has been neglecting the space without any furniture. So, we descended on Ikea yesterday...five hours, an encounter with a drugged up employee named Jeff, $1200, multiple curse words, and many trips around the store later, we left with a sofa, two bedside tables, an easy chair, an ottoman and a tv stand. We arrived home around 7:30 last night and put together furniture until 10 pm for a dinner break. We continued until 12:30 this morning. We put together everything but the sofa and the easy chair (which is arriving today). I'm excited for him because it's going to look incredible when it's all done. I think I have had enough of Ikea for quite some time.

My exhaustion and delierum was demonstrated by our quest for Starbucks on the way home. We used my GPS to find the nearest Starbucks, but when we arrived at our destination, we realized it was Starbucks inside a Target store. This was not your average Target. There was a parking garage below the Target, and escalators to the shopping floor once you enter. There was even an escalator for your shopping cart! Anyway, we were in desperate need of caffeine, and I was not fully coherent. I saw an escalator and walked towards it, but suddenly I noticed I was not moving anywhere. Of course, I had tried to up the down escalator. It was quite the sight. I quickly ran to the proper escalator while dying of laughter, and I'm sure other people were wondering what the hell had happened to me. Oh, wait, I had spent five hours in Ikea...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Moral Dilemmas

Just a tiny update on the crafting: I spent a week crossstitching, and sadly did not get very far at all. I spent the majority of my time trying to get the three large pieces of string through the tiny tiny pin hole of the needle. Joshua- this crossstitch maybe hanging on your wall a bit later than planned. This week I am moving on to card making- Valentines Day cards to be exact. So I am setting off with a large supply of paper, stamps, embossing materials, and lots of love to see if I can get a decent number of cards made in time to mail Friday. JMo and I also went to the fabric store, and I have a ton of stylish fabrics ready to make pillows galore. I had aspirations to make curtains, but when I figured the cost I sadly realized I could buy curtains that are guaranteed to look good for much cheaper. I will post a pic of a finished VDay card soon- or if you are lucky, you will receive one in the mail.

You may have started off reading the title and saying how on earth is there a moral dilemma with crafting? Could it be refraining from shouting obscenities everytime I get a knot in my string while crossstitching? Or battling between which color combo best suits a pair of jeans in the crossstitch? Or getting over the guilt from spending way too much money on crafting supplies, specifically paper? (At least being a vegetarian was free)

Well you are right, there is not a moral dilemma in crafting (thus far). My moral dilemmas harp back onto last month. First, lets set the record straight, unlike the others- I have yet to eat meat. (I win!) Who would have thought I would be 'that' girl? To be honest, I haven't decided what I want to do and until then I am refraining.

Dilemma 1: Post-January (ie February) my mother just up and leaves for Miami one day (fyi my parents are way cooler than I am) but calls to tell me to go get the chicken out of the frig. She had laid it out for dinner, but then since they decided to leave work early and head to Miami- I needed to eat it so it would not go bad. Here was the dilemma- I didn't want to eat the meat, but at what point is it a worse decision to throw perfectly good chicken into the trash than to support mass produced chicken? PS- I did not eat the chicken.
Dilemma 2: Our church chili cook-off. This was only a dilemma because I LOVE chili and all forms of it. And I got a call asking to be a taste judge (quite an honor). While I turned down this judging position and chose not to consume any of the chili, I was still sad to loose the authority in being a part of the competition and honor of choosing the chili bowl champion.
Dilemma 3: Today at work I find a stick of beef jerky in my mailbox. A gift from heaven? I think so, or just a really nice person. For those of you who do not know, I also LOVE beef jerky. So because of the wonderful combination of great kindness and a ridiculous love of beef jerky, I will probably indulge myself. I mean its bought, am I right guys?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Tales from the Craft

I consider myself a very crafty person. I've sewn quilts and placemats, knit scarves, tie dyed t-shirts, made jewelry, painted, embroidered--you name it, I've probably tried it. I've had a few failed crafts over the years I must admit. Like the time I decided to make flip-flops out of construction paper...those didn't last very long outside, sadly ruining my hopes and dreams to become a famous paper shoe designer one day.

But alas, this month should have been a piece of cake. But I managed to forget that I also work full-time. Hence the challenge. Usually by the time I get home, I'm exhausted and don't feel like doing much of anything, least of all be crafty. Herein lies the challenge.

I kind of laid low the first week and didn't get much done (read: nothing). But Saturday, Jesse and I went to fabric store and I was overwhelmed with creative desires. (Sounds hot, right?) So Saturday night, I made 4 cloth napkins that match some placemats I made a few years ago (pictures to follow). It was fun "getting to know" a new sewing machine--Jesse's from childhood. I also got materials to make a few throw pillows and curtains from my room. Not to mention some ideas for beading, knitting, and other ideas I have floating around. So anyway, I should be busy for a while. Pictures to come!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Throwback to My Childhood!

I am so relieved our month of vegetarianism has come to an end. I found our January challenge really tough. There is no doubt that I enjoyed the journey, though, and I certainly will be changing my eating habits as a result of my experience. I will only be eating meat from free range, organic and grass-fed animals. As for the fish side of the story, I have yet to decide. My dad catches lobsters in the summer in Maine, and I know those are totally free range without hormones and all that. I think I will have to give in! I am celebrating the end of vegetarianism with a delicious grilled hamburger tonight...I could dance I am so excited! I bought the beef from a local butcher who supplies his meat from a local Maine farmer. This meat has not been through a mass-processing plant, and I am *so* relieved to have that knowledge.

One month down, 11 to go!

As Jesse said, this month we get to be crafty, artsy folk -- a throwback to my childhood! Growing up, I learned to cross stitch, made friendship bracelets, created sand art, played with Fimo clay, made play dough, and all sorts of other projects. I am looking forward to this new way of life. This artsy side has quietly resided in me over the years, and I am excited for its re-development!

My first project will be a paint by number...yes, I am not kidding. I know it may seem like I am cheating, but it still takes skill to paint in those tiny areas and patience to follow all the individual colors. To prove that I am not doing something by a three year old, I will take a picture and post it before I begin.

It's Not in the Blood

Officially the month of being a vegetarian is over! Some would be relieved, thrilled, gnawing on a giant beef stick right now...and strangely enough a month ago I would have predicted myself to fall in that 'some'. While we are moving on to the next month and the next challenge, I am still processing the month of January, and while I am processing I have yet to eat meat.

So I know you all are reading fervently right now wondering when oh when am I going to spill the beans. So here goes...(da da dum) we are going to be craftsy, artsy people for a month- like the I'm going to sew pointless stuff, paint, make messes.... While that may sound anticlimactic, if any of you know me- you will know this is going to be way more difficult than it seems. You see I come from a long line of women that do not sew or craft. My grandmother didn't sew or craft- the only crafty thing we did was making chain links out of boxes of ribbon and then taping them all around the house. My mother definitely does not sew or craft- my father is the one that sews the buttons on when needed. Legit we have a pile of clothing for him to mend. And I definitely do not sew or craft.

Now I thought at one point in early high school, "How cool would it be if I could make my own clothes?" (I actually said those exact words) So what would a 14 year old need? A sewing machine of course- and it topped my Christmas list. My mother said hell no - we don't sew, but my dad (the supportive one of the bunch) went out and bought me a sewing machine. I decided that before I can bust into making jeans, coats, and purses - I should try something easy. Placemats (no offense roomie- I do love our hand sewn placemats) should be easy enough, right? Well one horrible horrible placemat later I decide well maybe mom was right. This fact was confirmed when I came home from school a week later to find my dad sewing on my machine making a boat cover.

So here I am 8 years later, going to my parents house to reclaim the infamous sewing machine ready to whip out something beautiful. (I'll be sure to post pictures for amusement). I will first state the one stipulation JMo, Lady L, and I have on this month- we must work on our craft or crafts for at least 5 hours a week. I personally am going to try for an hour a day (because I know I will fail at least 2 out of the week) and without deadlines, I will sit on my bum.

Another drumroll please- to start with I am going to cross stitch (I swear I am 22 not 72). I was expressing to my friend (who just had a beautiful baby boy) that I had started a cross stitch 5 years ago for my pregnant friend and never finished (and I think the 5 year old is a bit old for a Precious Moments cross stitch). So she told me to finish it for little Joshua, and that is what I will begin with (easing in lightly). I started this cross stitch when I used to work selling Catholic school uniforms (I am so cool) and we had approximately .5 customers a day. So we sat in the back, ate, watched seasons of 24, and cross stitched. And yes the place closed down after my one summer there. So hopefully I will have a pic of my wonderful cross stitch (finally completed) soon.