Thursday, March 18, 2010

Easy Way Out

So surprise surprise, I also suck at meditation. And sadly enough that is probably not much of a surprise to most, or anyone that knows me beyond a first name. My first few days of waking up early to sit in silence succumbed to extra sleep nearly as quickly as it started. I have not yet looked into the flame of a candle or chanted any relaxation mantras. While I did not stick to my idea of a set amount of time (complete with my alarm clock), I have managed to sweak by with some ideas/stories/successes of meditation.

Normally I steer clear of gyms and exercise in general...I typically break out in hives. And while I did just join a gym, I have yet to go for the month of March (what a waste of money). So anything related with working out usually elicits a frown. The idea of yoga especially so, because you can't talk and you don't even break a sweat to feel like to achieved something. But I have done yoga at work twice this month! Earth-shattering -- I know. I have relaxed and left the stress outside the room for the half hour. While I do not notice a long lasting change, it has not been a horrible experience. And of course I get to be the butt of some jokes at work.

What is one thing girls love a lot? (Mind out of gutter please) Massages. Well since I am your most untypical girl, it should not be a shock that I have never had a professional massage. I just have always felt they were a waste of money. Boy was I wrong. I had one this week and it was one of the most relaxing experiences ever. I have been sold. I know this is the easy way out to count this as meditation, but give me a little break?

The past week, I have had the privilege of being in Mexico City with a group of friends, painting and working in an orphanage. I love Mexico City so much (I may start referring to it as my second home), and this week I got to experience something I hadn't the last time. We went to the Aztec pyramids and climbed to the top. I didn't get too much alone time as I was with a bunch of loud people, but I did get some time to marvel in the beauty while at the top. In between gasps for breath, I was able to see for miles and miles from top of the ancient pyramid. Something about being that high and seeing for so far just makes me feel closer to that which is bigger than life. I felt so connected to something bigger- what a way to put life into perspective.

I'm pretty sure I will not get to climb another Pyramid of the Sun this month, but I am going to morph my meditation into a time of introspection. A time to sit and reflect, journal, and pray.

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