Saturday, April 24, 2010

Part of an Elite Group

So unlike the past two months, my lack of blogging does not properly indicate my participation this month. I have been running! Albeit less than expected- I had been aiming for 4 times a week, yet sadly the first two weeks I ran 3 times and last week I ran twice. While it doesn't take much time to run, I am a girl and have to factor in showering and fixing my hair afterwards. It is crazy how much my stamina has increased. I am only at 5 minutes running, but hey better than what I started at. At this rate though it will still be a miserable marathon.

Funny story- today JMo and I just felt crappy and tried to go out and run. We ran our first 5 minutes (almost died), walked, dropped down to running 3 minutes, and then gave up and walked home. I just cannot make myself do something I don't want to - and I am also really good at convincing people they do or do not want to do something. Hope nobody saw that failed attempt.

The coolest thing about running is not that I am getting in shape, or that my butt is getting tighter, rather it is the feeling that I am one of "those" people. I am in an elite crowd of the dedicated runners. Never would I have ever thought of myself one day being in the running club, but here I am. Sort of- I guess I'm one toe in. But still... The other day JMo and I went to the track by my house to run, except when we parked we realized all these soccer practices were going on. We are definitely not at the running in front of people stage, we we opted for running down the road to a neighborhood. I felt so legitimate running on a road that had lines- it was exhilarating. Everyone should try it once.

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